Your Watchlist is an expression of interest, not a commitment to buy. You may remove items...
How much will it cost to register domains in these new TLDs?The registries have not published their pricing yet and we are only accepting Watchlist...
How will I know what to do next?We will update Watchlist and email you details as information becomes available for each...
How will the Watchlist help me register my domain(s)?You will be able to place orders for Sunrise, Landrush and General Availability direct from...
Is there a charge to use the Watchlist?Watchlist is FREE with no obligation or commitment. You may enter in as many domains to...
My Watchlist items are in Awaiting Evaluation status. What does that mean?Applications for new TLDs in this status have been submitted but have not yet been scheduled...
What is General Availability?General Availability is the phase of a TLD launch when domain names are publicly available...
What is Landrush?Landrush is the phase of a TLD launch during which domain names are available for...
What is Sunrise?Sunrise period is the phase of a TLD launch during which only owners of trademarks may...
What is a TLD Application?When a company wants to open a new TLD, they must submit a proposal to ICANN for review. The...
What is a TLD?TLD stands for Top Level Domain. It's sometimes more simply referred to as the domain's...
What is the lifecycle of a new TLD?New TLDs will go through a typical lifecycle such as this:
When are the TLDs in the Watchlist going live?Each proposed TLD has is pending approval by ICANN. As applications are approved, each TLD...
Where will I go for Pre-Registration, Sunrise and other periods before Go Live?You will be able to purchase domain names directly from Watchlist as registries begin taking...
Who is ICANN?The non-profit organization that regulates the domain naming system for the Internet....
Why can’t I add some proposed TLDs to Watchlist?Watchlist does not accept TLDs that will not be available for public registration. Updates...
Will I be able to tell if other people have submitted any of the domains on my Watchlist?All Watchlist entries are private to the account that submitted them.
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